
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

How Many Serves Do You Get In Squash?


Throughout the world, squash is a popular racket sport. Several rules govern this sport, and learning them and remembering them can be challenging. Having a clear understanding of the rules regarding serving is very important in the sport. As a result, many players wonder how many serves they get in a squash match.

Squash players get one serve per set, but they keep it if they score the set point. Every time a player serves in the next set, they must alternate serve boxes, even if they served in the previous set. Players can serve every set in a match if they score every set.

Each serve in squash is an opportunity to gain an advantage over the opponent, so it's crucial to understand the rules regarding serving. In order to score points quickly, players should use their serves well and understand the rules. Below, Canadian squash player Marc Bistricer explores some of the important rules regarding serves in squash.


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